
Empowering retailers and brands worldwide with zero-party, actionable consumer insights to make product, pricing, and marketing decisions that drive results.

First Insight Insightsuite platform

Retail's Next-Gen
Decision Platform

Our SaaS solutions are purpose-built for gathering zero-party consumer insights that improve key decisions across your enterprise - from strategy to merchandising, pricing, supply chain, and marketing. Ultimately, InsightSUITE helps you drive better business results. 


Our next-gen decision platform enables designers, merchants, brand managers, buyers, and marketing teams to answer the key questions they face every day by engaging consumers with digital surveys specifically designed for the retail industry. Here's how our industry-leading retail software works: 


  • InsightSUITE users begin by determining the objective they hope to achieve, a question they'd like to answer, or a decision they need to make.

  • From there, they simply upload imagery of their products, marketing collateral, and survey questions via the management interface. 

  • Next, users construct their consumer panel. Consumer panels can be developed from your own CRM, social media followings, or sourced our trusted consumer panel partners. 

  • The consumer panels then provide feedback on ads, products, or entire assortments via gamified digital surveys that collect this zero-party, voice of the customer data. 

  • Lastly, our predictive algorithms separate the signal from the noise to output actionable insights in the form of easy-to-use dashboards, reports, and product ranking tables.


Online Consumer Engagements  


  • ✓ Pick & Price Create the ideal assortment with product-level insights to enable improved SKU rationalization, pricing strategies, and demand capture. 
  • ✓ Rate & Rank Receive clear rankings of products, marketing messages, or concepts based on consumer input. Uncover insights from comments left by your customers.
  • ✓ Ask & Answer

    Get the answers to your most crucial consumer behavior questions quickly and efficiently.

Our Process at First Insight-40

Integrate Your Customer Into All of Your Decisions

InsightSUITE can integrate with a variety of existing applications, complementing their respective roles. Our platform connects to PLM, pricing, allocation, and CRM systems to provide unique, zero-party, consumer insights as inputs - improving their outputs so you can make better decisions.

About First Insight integration 2

What Makes INSIGHTSUITE Unique

Better Signal
  • Bayesian Modeling, NLP, Rankings, Ratings
  • Zero-Party Data 
  • Test Future Initiatives with Forward-Looking Insights
  • Actionable Data for Specific Decisions
Proven Value
  • Speed, Scale, and Efficiency - Results in 48 hours
  • 14 Years of Data, Continuous R&D
  • Recognized by Leading Analyst Firms

Easy to Use
  • Start at Any Level and Expand 
  • Self-Service or Full-Service Models Available 
  • Get Started with No IT Impact 
  • Easily Integrate with Other Systems

Is your product assortment based on instinct?
On history? On hoping?

Stop guessing. Get the insight. Schedule a free demo today!